

Uganda every day records rising number of orphaned and vulnerable children. These rising number of orphaned and vulnerable children in Uganda is attributed to HIV/AIDS pandemic, high level of sustained poverty levels, Conflicts/wars ,domestic violence among many households and abuse of the rights of children by parents/guardians.

These children therefore find it difficult to access education and other basic necessities of life.

Owing to this, these vulnerable and orphaned children, therefore live a hopeless life and can’t access the basic necessities of life like Education

Gordon care Samaritan international therefore started identifying and selecting orphaned and vulnerable children and supporting them with scholastic materials, Uniform to enable them access education.

However time came, the capacity to support the same children eventually was overwhelmed by influx of children who desired our services.

The organization therefore decided to set up a school ‘Gordon care Samaritan international School to swallow up the same.

The same school has now enrolled over 500 orphaned and vulnerable children, however, the capacity to support the same is limited as these children lack uniform, shoes, stationary e.t.c.


One of the schools supported by GOCASI 

Another school supported by our organization