
People trained and supported to establish projects by GOCASI

Nambi Joan was trained with 20 others in tailoring and design  and supported with a sawing machine and materials and is now self sustaining

One of beneficiaries of the GOCASI welfare program KINTU IVAN was trained in mobile money business and given UGX 1,500,000 (one million five hundred thousand)and now is self sustaining.

One of the welfare initiative beneficiary who was trained in hands on skill and supported to establish a motorcycle garage

Nakato sarah one of the beneficiaries of the welfare GOCASI welfare program was trained in saloon and beauty care and was supported to establish a saloon in kasokoso township

Some of the orphans and vulnerable children who were picked on the street and cared for by GOCASI need desent housing

This school is one of the projects being handled by or organization