What we do

We promote, protect & defend the rights of an accused person.

The promotion, protection and defense of accused person’s rights in Uganda has long over due been in vain.

Many accused or suspected persons are ever under the arbitrary will of the people once they are suspected of having committed a crime or caught in the act of committing a crime.

Many accused persons have been killed in cold blood, maimed and subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment hence this is a violation of their rights.

Article 28(6)of the constitution of the republic of Uganda provides for the rights of accused person as follows:-

‘’Every person suspected or accused of having committed an offense, shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty”.

Its whoever inglorious to report that this provision pertaining the protection and promotion of accused persons rights is more of theoretical than practical.

Its rhetoric and it has turned to abuse the law makers who enacted it and therefore needs to be scraped from the articles pertaining promotion of human rights in the constitution of the republic of Uganda because:-

Women suspected of stealing money and were stripped naked

This man was accused of stealing a cow and then tortured until he was hunged by the locals.

a)Many accused /suspected persons privacy has been exposed to the public

  1. b) Many have been tortured and subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment
  2. c) Many have been killed

d)Many are denied of the right to affair hearing in a court of law/administrative tribunals’

d)Many  are tortured and coerced to make confessions against their own will which violates section 24 of the evidence Act of the republic of Uganda which states.’confessions,made out of inducement, torture ,threats and intimidations are invalid confessions and not admissible in evidence.

During the last five years, the organization identified and supported 423 accused and suspected persons to be accorded a right to affair hearing and their cases were successful and out of this 380 were on remand and later they were exonerated from liability.

See videos of accused persons who were tortured, killed or subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment.

Our goal is therefore to sensitize communities on respect for the rights of accused persons as stipulated in Article 28(6)of the constitution of Uganda and uphold section 24 of the evidence Act of Uganda.


Due to many factors like HIV/AIDS pandemic, High sustained poverty levels, domestic violence, conflict/wars in some parts of Uganda like North eastern and northern Uganda left many children vulnerable and orphaned and the only solution was to resort to street life begging from well wishers and compassionates as a way of survival.

These children spend most of their lifetime on streets and as such many become hard boiled thieves, robbers, many terrorize communities, join rebel groups that may destabilize the country all in an attempt to survive the hardships they encounter.

These children reside in porches of mansions in towns and cities, trenches as such they are much susceptible to diseases leading to their death.

Our aim and long term plan for our organization is to rehabilitate the same kids to enable them feel at home and the lost glory and love of their parents is felt in them.

To those between 3-15 years we take them back to school to enable them acquire knowledge for their bright future and for those of 15 and above, we train them in enterprise training to enable them acquire knowledge and skills in the aspect trained for their improved welfare and peaceful existence.

Our plan in the Next five years is to have primary and secondary schools then technical institutions for teaching and training the identified and selected street children.

To those for training we shall mainly deepen guided practices in Mechanics, carpentry and joinery, saloon and beauty care, tailoring and fashion design& management, poultry keeping and management, bee keeping and management, entrepreneurship and business development skills.

Street children residing in the Drench whom the organization intends to build an orphanage for.(see where they reside is amazing)

These were vulnerable who had resorted to street life but where identified and picked and are now catered for by the organization of Gordon care samaritan            international childeren are catered for by this organisation. We request for donation to support them with  accomodation.

Some of the identified and selected vulnerable and orphaned children catered for by this organisation. We request for donation to support them with  accomodation.